Friday, May 30, 2008

30 May 2008 - Something new every time

Gerrard never fails to amuse us. Previously, he would smile widely when entertained and lets out a loud laugh once in a while. This month, he is able to chuckle. Whenever he does that, we can't help but laugh along with him coz it is so contagious. Wendy managed to capture a short video on his chuckling. That's my mum's voice in the background and she was simply saying "Ah... Puu....Tehhhh!" This meaningless phrase caused Gerrard to be so tickled! I guess it is not what we say but the way we say it that entertains him so.

This second clip was taken during Gerrard's weekend stay at our house. For some reason, I can't seem to rotate the clip so it's harder on your eyes while viewing. Again, Gerrard is entertained by ad-hoc words exclaimed by Derek. It started with different states in Japan... Osaka, Narita, Tokyo.... until even "Kopi-O" makes him laugh!

The first time I heard the phrase "Laughter is the best medicine" was from a copy of Readers' Digest when I was about 12 years old. My cousin used to stay with us at the time and I would flip through his monthly copies. The section refers to the jokes section which was easier to read and some short stories/jokes were pretty funny. All along I used to think that the phrase was just a very apt title for the session but what happened recently made me look at things from another view.

Things had been pretty rough at work recently and my plate is really full. My portfolio has increased and I guess it is a good sign as it gives me progress and exposure to more things. However, with this enhanced job scope, it translated into longer working hours. I try my best to visit Gerrard everyday but sometimes time does not permit me to do so. There were a few occasions where by the time I finished my work and reached Tampines, it is past his bedtime. Another time was when I had to attend a department outing and couldn't bring him back on Friday night. Derek's side is about the same as well with his work piled up everyday. I do feel guilty when I am held back by all these.

There was one day when I had a bad headache. People who know me well would know that I cannot bear the pain of a headache; I will pop a Panadol almost immediately. That day, I ran out of Panadol and I was busy rushing something out at work that I had no time to go down and buy. I told myself to hang in there even though I know it will cause me to be irritable and true enough, it got worse by the time I got off work. My head was simply hammering away. I was grouchy throughout dinner and the impending workload kept nagging me at the back of my mind. After dinner, I visited Gerrard to play with him as usual and on the way home, it suddenly dawned on my that my head is no longer throbbing. It seemed to have miraculously cured by itself! The first thought that came to mind was the exact phrase "Laughter is the best medicine" I used to be pretty cynical about things but perhaps this can be true after all. 快乐其实很简单。

Making faces

Trying to turn

Bath time

Seeing him everyday lifts my mood. It seems to set everything into perspective and I am finally experiencing what my colleague told me previously about rushing home just to be with his kids and the joy is indescribable. Although I feel drained after work, being with Gerrard sets my adrenaline pumping again. It is as if you feel like everything may be weighing you down and you can't take it anymore but yet you still can push on just a little bit on.

Playing on his yao-lan

I didn't know that becoming a parent means stacking today's unread newspaper on to yesterday's unread newspaper. Sometimes we eat a meal as if we are trying to create a Guiness record for finishing a meal in the shortest time- standing up! There are still times of exasperations and feeling inadequate somehow. But I tell myself that as Gerrard is learning day by day, we are learning to be parents as well. There are times when we fall down but I am sure that before we know it, the day will come where we look back at our silly mistakes/complaints and laugh about it.

Gerrard is 4 months old today and had his routine visit to the PD. He took his 2nd dosage of 5-in-1 jab and the Rotavirus medication. Dr Ho commented that he is growing well - what a relief as I was concerned about his reduced milk intake. This is just the feeling we have everytime we visit the gynae when I was pregnant. The magic words that the baby is growing well will set our hearts at ease. No wonder people say that you start worrying from the day you find out your pregnancy until the day your child grows old!

Looking intensely at my hp when I showed him pictures of himself

In line with the traditional Chinese customs for 4 months old, we let Gerrard have a teenny weeny lick of a ..... DRUMSTICK! He was staring in awe at the drumstick when we brought it to his face and he looked so curious when tasting it!

Thanks for coming into my life little one!

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